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Where to find Thalgo?
Fondation de la Mer
The sea has always been a source of vital energy for humans. Thanks to the presence of marine plants, the ocean releases more oxygen into the atmosphere than all the world’s forests. But aquatic pollution is suffocating this ecosystem, with 80% of it coming from land. Today, there is one piece of plastic waste for five fish. If we do not act, in 30 years there will be more plastic than fish in the oceans!
THALGO is committed to the protection of marine biodiversity. « Our planet would not exist without the Ocean…Covering 70% of the Earth’s surface, they produce almost half of the oxygen in the atmosphere and store 30% of CO2 emissions. They regulate the climate by absorbing 90% of excess heat in our atmosphere. They are also a biodiversity reserve, with 90% yet to be discovered. But, today, the excess carbon dioxide released into the atmosphere causes the acidification of marine water while ever-increasing land temperatures affect their role as a global climate regulator. Land-based pollution, particularly plastic, suffocates our blue lung. Every minute, 18 tonnes of plastic are discharged into the oceans. If this trend continues, by 2050 there will be more plastic waste than fish in the oceans. In light of these challenges, a corporate contribution is essential. » Bernard Sirop, Managing Director THALGO
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Since 2021, we support projects to help combat plastic pollution in the oceans, and organise our own annual coastline cleanup operations in France and worldwide on World Cleanup Day.
TAKE ACTION TO REMOVING PLASTIC FROM THE SEA AND LAND We are continuing our investment since 2021 to reduce plastic waste both at sea and on land, thanks to pollution-removing boats. In 2023, 27 tons of waste were collected in Denpasar in Bali.
INVOLVE OUR EMPLOYEES AND PARTNERS Expand our coastal and waterway clean-up operations each year on World Clean Up Day, by mobilizing all THALGO employees and our partners around the world.
THALGO CLEANUP CHALLENGES 2023 ~ 6 collection operations worldwide ~ 230 THALGO employees ~ 18 km of sea coastline and banks of rivers were cleaned up ~ 17 m3 of waste and more than 4,000 cigarette ends were collected, i.e. 2,000 m3 of seawater preserved